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Frequently Asked Questions

We have the answers you need

How do I get an estimate?
We provide a full site survey and free quotation for all new clients. Please call our office to speak with one of our friendly team to arrange a visit with no obligations.
How much do your doors cost?
It’s very difficult to put a price on our doors as each one is custom built to your individual requirements. What we can say is that we only use the best products and are competitively priced.
Can I get it cheaper?
We encourage our customers to speak with other companies to compare our service to theirs. While we may not be the cheapest in the market, we pride ourselves on using only the finest products and our workmanship is second to none. It’s our dedication to providing a professional and reliable service that results in our customers returning to us time and time again.
How soon can I get an estimate?
We aim to provide all customers with a free written quotation within 24 hours of providing a site visit.
When do you show up?
Upon agreeing to our services we provide a full schedule of works so you will be fully informed of when we can start and what to expect while we work.
Can I choose when to have the job done?
Of course, we always try to accommodate our clients so if you need the job to be started or completed by a certain day we’ll make sure it happens.
Can i send money in the winter?
We’ll put some happy little leaves here and there. Very easy to work these to death. Trees get lonely too, so we’ll give him a little friend. Let’s give him a friend too. Everybody needs a friend. Any little thing can be your friend if you let it be. Isn’t it fantastic that you can change your mind and create all these happy things?
Do you work holidays?
We are very flexible with our work schedule so if you need the job done during a certain time frame we will accommodate to your needs and ensure it happens.
How can I make payment?
We accept a range of payment options including cash, cheque and bank transfer.
When do I have to pay?
Payment terms will vary depending upon whether you are a domestic or commercial customer, but we will always highlight and agree upon a payment schedule before any work commences.
Where do I send payment to?
If you wish to pay by cheque, please send to our head office based in Shaw. Our address is :Unit F Trent Mill Industrial Estate, Duchess Street, Shaw, Oldham, OL2 7UT

If you have any questions regarding payment please speak with our friendly team on 01706 390963

Still need help? Send us a message!
For any other questions, please write us at [email protected]

or call us on 01706 882 760